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Marko Mäkelä: Biography

Further information is available in my Curriculum Vitae.

My Residences

Jokivarsi, Vantaa
I was born in the year 1973 in Vantaa. I grew up in Jokivarsi.
Strecknitz, Lübeck
The first time I moved out of my parents’ house was in the beginning of 1994, when I moved to Lübeck, room 209 of the student residence at Anschützstraße 11, when I took a six-month job training at Berufsfortbildungswerk GmbH, to develop a database application. I worked at the same place aside Holstentorplatz a few more times, since I liked the city and the people I met there very much. I spent there a total of 13 months of my life.
Otaniemi, Espoo
My next permanent addresses were in Espoo, Jämeräntaival 1 B 120, and after I returned from national service, Jämeräntaival 1 B 312.
Leppävaara, Espoo
Once I graduated my master’s studies on December 14, 1998, I bought my first apartment (back then part of it belonged to the bank) on Harakankuja. The space available to me was multiplied for a moment, but I did not have a chance to enjoy it for long, because after I finished the renovation in the year 2000, my coming wife conquered most of my apartment.
Jokivarsi, Vantaa
We bought from my parents the house that I had left ten years earlier, and moved at the end of March 2004. Last time I moved, the floor space was increased by 50 . Now it was increased by 100 . At last we have enough room for my computers and a workshop.


I received the elementary education from Jokivarren ala-aste and Ruusuvuoren yläaste, on the opposite site of the center of Korso. I chose to attend Simonkylän lukio for college-like education.

A couple of years after college, it was somewhat unclear to me what I would become when I grow up. (It is still somewhat unclear.) I spent three semesters at the University of Helsinki studying mathematics and physics and getting the first touch to the Internet and GNU/Linux.

At that rate, I could have graduated in three years, but I decided to switch to the Helsinki University of Technology to study computer science. After one year of studying, I served my country in the signal school of the Finnish Air Force at Tikkakoski from July 10, 1995 to June 3, 1996, and was given the training of a signal corporal and an officer. In 1998, I graduated from the Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science as a Master of Science.

Professor Leo Ojala convinced me to pursue postgraduate studies and research. In 2000, I graduated as Licentiate of Technology, and I defended my doctoral thesis on November 28th, 2003. As part of my research I constructed a reachability analyser, a piece of software for modelling and verifying parallel and distributed systems.